K-Pop Zone - 25 August 2021

Mengejutkan, Bobby iKON Bakal Jadi Seorang Ayah!

Berlin Belladina - 25 August 2021
Mengejutkan, Bobby iKON Bakal Jadi Seorang Ayah!

Kabar mengejutkan sekaligus membahagiakan datang dari salah satu member iKON yaitu Bobby. Bukan berita comeback perilisan lagu ataupun album, Bobby mengumumkan melalui Instagram miliknya tentang pernikahannya dan segera menjadi ayah.

Tunangannya sedang hamil dan akan melahirkan bulan depan. Bobby meminta maaf kepada fans atas berita yang mendadak dan telat ini.

Sumber foto: Instagram (bobbyindaeyo)

Di dalam suratnya ia menulis, “Hello, this is Bobby iKon, I have something that I want to tell everyone today, so I wrote this letter after a lot of thought. I promised to marry someone I love, and I will become a father in September.

I’m glad that I have a new family, but I feel sorrier to my fans who will confused due to my sudden news. I should’ve let you know sooner, but I am sorry for the delay in sharing this news as I was worried about this.

heavy sense of responsibility because I feel like I’m putting a lot of pressure to the people who have been helped me and supported me. I sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt and greatly shock by this news of me.

To my iKON members, fans and people who have become necessities in my life even though I am lacking. I will become a person who will not bring shame to my fans nor my parents.

I will also do my best to not become a distraction to our fans and iKON members who are waiting for iKON activities”.

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Sumber foto: Twitter (dessert0331)

Fans sama sekali gak mengira pengumuman ini sama sekali, meskipun begitu mereka tetap mendukung penuh keputusan Bobby dan ikut bahagia. Beberapa netizen dan fans berkomentar, “congratulations my man, we love you”, “I’m shocked but happy”, “ it’s like EXO’s Chen 2.0”, “I’m so proud that he’s taking responsibility and not abandoning the child”.

Setelah pengumuman tersebut, para fans langsung ingat dengan interview Bobby dan Yunhyeon iKON di tahun 2018 bersama OSEN berjudul ‘Yunhyeon, Bobby 30 questions’. Bobby ditanyakan tentang cita-cita dan ia menjawab “I wanted to be a pilot but now my dream become a singer.

Sumber foto: Instagram (bobbyindaeyo)

Next, I want to be a good dad”. Wah ternyata cita-cita menjadi seorang ayah udah ada di benak Bobby sejak lama ya Teman iStyle.

Ia juga sempat ditanyakan pasangan ideal menurutnya, “I respect people who worked hard, at what they do”. Sampai saat ini Bobby belum memberitahu siapa perempuan yang bakal menjadi istri sekaligus ibu dari anaknya Bobby.

Banyak yang penasaran nih who’s the lucky girl? Apakah dari dunia entertainment juga? Atau orang biasa? Gimana menurut Teman iStyle?


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